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617 Pictures in the Gallery
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1: All Authors
2: Modern Glass
3: Chesnakov Michael
4: Girish Salvi
5: Kaplun Vladimir
6: Eremenko Diana
7: Eremenko Vitaly
8: Fidelman Tatiana
9: Denisov Irina
10: Jurbenko Alena
11: Sevostyanov Helena
12: Shevkunova Inna

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2: Water-colours
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5: Oil Painting
6: H2Oil Aqua-Oil
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8: Pastel, Pencils
9: Artificial Stained Glass
10: Painting on Glass
11: Engraving on Glass
12: Decoration on ware
13: Incrustations on a wood
14: Paintings on PC
15: Purls by Cross
16: Hand Knitting
17: Decoration on Dress
18: Trappings
19: Batik, Drawing on Silk
20: 3D-Handmade Figures
21: Decoupage on Wood
22: Patterns for Vitrag
23: Samples for Child-Art
24: Photo and Illustrations
25: Miscellanea
Eremenko Vitaly
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Gan ha-Shlosha

1) ID: EV11

Cactus in our yard

2) ID: EVC42

The world of the red dwarf star

3) ID: EVC37

Dawn on the coast

4) ID: EVC36

Flooding on the plain

5) ID: EVC35

Shaitan stone on Chusovaya river, Ural

6) ID: EVC34

Panorama of Chusovaya river, Ural

7) ID: EVC33

True sky scrapers

8) ID: EVC32

Dombai, Caucasus

9) ID: EWC31

Our House in Netyanya

10) ID: EWC30

Evening of winter day on the river bank. 2022

11) ID: EWC29

Late evening in the rocky desert. 2022

12) ID: EWC28

Rising of the Black Hole. 2022

13) ID: EWC27

On the Lakeside. 2022

14) ID: EWC26

Hot Day on a Lake. 2022

15) ID: EWC25

Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. 2022

16) ID: EWC19

Eternity and Loneliness

17) ID: EVV15

The Dead Sea Panorama

18) ID: EVV10

Babylon Tower

19) ID: EVV09

First Hebrev Temple in Jerusalem.

20) ID: EV59

View on Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. 1995

21) ID: EWC17

The Western Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

22) ID: EV06

Oak in Samaria (Israel).

23) ID: EV10

Water-color of Desert.

24) ID: EV20

Mountain Lake in North Caucasus.

25) ID: EV22

Mountain Lake.

26) ID: EV23

Sunset above Lake.

27) ID: EV31

Landscape of Shomron (Israel).

28) ID: EV32

The antique Roman aqueduct and amphitheatre near Caesaria

29) ID: EV33

Spring and birches near Moscow.

30) ID: EV40

Winter on the river in Moscow suburbs.

31) ID: EV41

Three birches in the skirt

32) ID: EV40B

View near Dimona

33) ID: EV51

View near Dimona from Hill

34) ID: EWC18

Sketch of sweet cherries.

35) ID: EV55

Sketch. the first ski track.

36) ID: EV58

Sketch. Kaspian sea

37) ID: EWC20

Sketch. On the Kaspian sea

38) ID: EWC21

Sketch. Road to the Dead sea

39) ID: EWC22

Sketch. Beach close to Tel-Aviv

40) ID: EWC23

GalPictures-298: 40 Images by Author and Categoy

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