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Color Charts of Artistics and Hobby Paints

Categories of Paints
34 records.
1 Acrylic Colors
2 Artistic Gouache Colors
3 Artists Oil Colors
4 Artists Tempera Colors
5 Calligraphy Ink & Paints
6 Contours for Glass & Porcelain
7 Contours for Textile & Silk
8 Decorative Gouache
9 Decorative Paints
10 Film for Stained Glass
11 Liquid Acrylic
12 Liquid Water-Colors
13 Miscellanea
14 Multisurface Markers
15 Multisurface Water-based Paints
16 Oil Pastel
17 Paints for Metal
18 Paints for Silk & Batik
19 Paints for Textile
20 Paints for Wood
21 Peelable Window Colors
22 Pen-Brush with Paint
23 Pens for Glass & Porcelain
24 Pens for Textile & Silk
25 Soft & Dry Pastels
26 Solvent-Based Opaque Paints for Porcelain
27 Solvent-Based Transparent Paints for Glass
28 Stencil Paints
29 Water-Based Opaque Paints for Porcelain
30 Water-Based Transparent Paints for Glass
31 Water-Color & Pastel Pencils
32 Water-Colors
33 Water-Mixable Oil Colors
34 Watersoluble Pastel

Solvent-Based Transparent Paints for Glass
6 records.
L&B Vitrail
L&B Vitrail
Lefranc & Bourgeois   ( France)
Solvent-Based transparent Paints for Glass
Colors Chart   [18]
Here you can order
Pebeo Vitrail
Pebeo Vitrail
Pebeo   ( France)
Solvent-Based transparent Paints for Glass
Colors Chart   [29]
Here you can order
Marabu glasART
Marabu glasART
Marabu   ( Germany)
Solvent-Based transparent Paints for Glass
Colors Chart   [17]
Here you can order
Transparent by WACO
Transparent by WACO
WACO   ( Germany)
Solvent-based transparent gloss Paints for artificial stained-galss windows
Colors Chart   [20]
DecorFin Glass
DecorFin Glass
Royal-Talens   ( Netherlands)
Solvent-Based transparent Paints for Glass
Colors Chart   [22]
Here you can order
H-L Glasmal Farbe
H-L Glasmal Farbe
C.Kreul   ( Germany)
Hobby Line: Transparent Solvent-based Paints for Glass, Porcelain, metal, plastic foils, wood and Leather.
Colors Chart   [22]
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The Site first published at July 11, 2004.
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