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128 records.
1 Acrylic Master-Class
2 Acrylic Studio
3 Americana Gloss Enamels
4 Amos Glass Deco
5 Amsterdam Expert Acrylic
6 Amsterdam Standard Acrylic
7 Art Acryl AQUA
8 Artidee 3D-Crystal
9 Artisan W.M.Oil
10 Bombay Ink
11 Cobra/Van-Gogh H2Oil
12 Cotman Water-Colors
13 Craft Twinkles
14 DEKA Silk
15 Daler-Rowney Water-Colors
16 Daler-Rowney oil paints
17 DecoArt Glass Stain
18 DecoArt Metal
19 DecoArt Stencil Paints Acryl
20 DecoArt Stencil Paints DBF
21 DecoArt UltraFrost
22 DecoArt UltraGloss
23 Decola Batik
24 Decola Textile Liners
25 DecorFin Glass
26 Decorfin Porcelain Opaque
27 Decorfin Porcelain Transp.
28 Decorfin Textile
29 Decorfin Universal Gloss
30 Decorfin Universal Satin
31 Decorfin glass liner
32 Faber-Castell Gouache
33 Faber-Castell Soft Pastels
34 Ferrario Liquarell
35 Film d-c-fix
36 Flip Textile Liner
37 Folkart Acrylic Metallic
38 Folkart Enamels
39 Galeria Acrylic
40 Gamma Old Master oil
41 Gamma Studio oil
42 Gioconda Pastel Pencils
43 Glitter Dust
44 Gouache Gamma
45 H-L Glasmal Farbe
46 H-L Glass Color
47 H-L Glass Color Pen
48 H-L Porcelain Pen 160°C
49 H-L Porcelain+Glass Pen 160°C
50 H-L Window Colors C2
51 Hoenig Acrylic PRO
52 Hoenig Art Acrylic
53 Hoenig Oil Classic
54 Hoenig Oil Fantasy
55 Hoenig Top Oil
56 Holbein Academic Oil Pastels
57 Iridescent Calligraphy Colors
58 Javana Silk
59 Javana Silk Liner
60 Javana Texi PEN
61 Javana Textile
62 Javana Textile Glitter
63 Javana Textile Metallic
64 L&B CeramiC
65 L&B Deco Silk
66 L&B Glass & Tile Opaque
67 L&B Glass & Tile Transp.
68 L&B Linel Gouache
69 L&B Textile
70 L&B Vitrail
71 Ladoga Oil paints
72 Louvre Oil paints
73 Maimeri Classico oil paints
74 Marabu Ceramica
75 Marabu DecorGlass
76 Marabu Decorlack
77 Marabu Decormatt
78 Marabu Easy Marble
79 Marabu Silk
80 Marabu glasART
81 Marabu` Fun&Fancy
82 Maries Soft Masters Pastels
83 Maries oil paints
84 Master-Class Gouache
85 Master-Class Oil paints
86 Neocolor II
87 Normex X-Film
88 Omega Gouache
89 Panda fine quality Oil Pastels
90 Pebeo Ceramic
91 Pebeo Deco Gloss
92 Pebeo Deco Matt
93 Pebeo Deco Pearl
94 Pebeo Vitrail
95 Pebeo Vitrea-160 Frosted
96 Pebeo Vitrea-160 Transp.
97 Permanent Marker
98 Plaid Fabric Liner
99 Plaid Gallery Glass
100 Podolsk Oil
101 Posca Markers
102 Rembrandt Acrylic
103 Rembrandt Oil paints
104 Rembrandt Water-Colors
105 Rosa Gallery Oil Colors
106 Rosa Gallery Watercolors
107 Senta Acrylic
108 Senta Window Colors
109 Sonnet Oil paints
110 Talens Ecoline
111 Talens Gouache
112 Tempera Master-Class
113 Textile by WACO
114 Toison D'Or Soft Pastels
115 Transparent by WACO
116 Trip 3D Textile Liner
117 Van Dyck Oil paints
118 Van-Gogh Oil Pastels
119 Van-Gogh Oil paints
120 Van-Gogh Water-Colors
121 Van-Gogh200/Amsterdam Oil
122 W&N Calligraphy Ink
123 W&N Drawing Ink
124 WACO-Fin
125 Watercolor White Nights
126 Winsor&Newton Oil China
127 Winton Oil paints
128 XTC Acrylic
Watercolor White Nights

Nevskaya Palitra   ( Russia)
Watercolor White Nights
Professional Water-colors, Nevskaya Palitra

Professional artists water-colors White Nights.

The supreme quality “White Nights” watercolours (WC) combine old masters’ traditions
and modern technologies.
St.Petersburg “White Nights” watercolours are made by hand
from finely ground pigments and binders containing gum Arabic
acknowledged as the best natural adhesive for professional watercolours.
Synthetic brushes as well as the ones made from Siberian kolinsky and squirrel fur can be applied for work.

  1. 56 intense and pure tones
  2. the maximum tones intensiveness which is preserved even when colours are mixed with large quantities
  3. water is provided by the high pigment concentration and its fine grinding
  4. perfect smearing and spreading
  5. perfect mixing qualities
  6. perfect mixing qualities
  7. 45 colours with ** and *** lightfastness index
  8. 37 monopigment colours
  9. easy to pick up with a brush
  10. unsurpassed price-quality ratio

Degree of Lightfastness under museum conditions:
*** - 100 years completely lightfast
** - 25-100 years lightfast
* - 10-25 years lightfast

PCxxx - International Pigments Code and Number (see in the description of paint).
PWxx - White (number хх)
PYxx - Yellow
PRxx - Red
PVxx - Violet
PBxx - Blue
PGxx - Green
PBrxx - Brown
PBkxx - Black
PCtr - Pigment C Transparent

Opacity (Signs in our catalogs):
T = Transparent
ST = Semi-Transparent
O = Opaque

Plastic Pans 2.5 ml (0.0845 oz.) - 56 colors
or Aluminium Tubes 18 ml (0.608 oz) - 24 colors

Nevskaya Palitra, St.Petersburg Russia

NOTES of Violtan:
We have checked many types of water-colors of numerous manufacturers.
The water-colors 'White Nights' have most concentrated pigments, very pure and strong color shades.

Here you can Buy (Other Window/Tab)

Watercolor White Nights

Zink White
1) Zink White
PBN100  [100***ST, PW4, nsp]
Titanium White
2) Titanium White
PBN101  [101***OP, PW6, ssp]
Lemon Yellow
3) Lemon Yellow
PBN214  [214**TR, PY3, nsp]
Cadmium Lemon
4) Cadmium Lemon
PBN203  [203***ST, PY35, ssp]
5) Aureoline
PBN253  [253***TR, PY151, nsp]
Hanza Yellow
6) Hanza Yellow
PBN215  [215*TR, PY1]
7) Yellow
PBN211  [211***TR, PY154, snp]
Cadmium Yellow Medium
8) Cadmium Yellow Medium
PBN201  [201***OP, PY35, nsp]
Naples Yellow Light
9) Naples Yellow Light
PBN219  [219***OP, PY216, nsp]
Golden Yellow
10) Golden Yellow
PBN216  [216**TR, PY3/PO64, ssp]
Golden Deep
11) Golden Deep
PBN217  [217***TR, PO62, ssp]
Orange Lake
12) Orange Lake
PBN320  [320*TR, PO17]
Naples Orange
13) Naples Orange
PBN254  [254***OP, PY216, nsp, G]
Cadmium Orange
14) Cadmium Orange
PBN304  [304***OP, PO20, nsp, G]
15) Orange
PBN315  [315***ST, PO64, ssp]
Vermilion Hue
16) Vermilion Hue
PBN312  [312*TR, PR4/PY1]
Titian Red
17) Titian Red
PBN226  [226***TR, PO36, ssp]
Geranium Red
18) Geranium Red
PBN364  [364***ST, PR242, snp]
Cadmium Red Light
19) Cadmium Red Light
PBN302  [302***OP, PR108, nsp, G]
20) Scarlet
PBN318  [318*TR, PR188, snp]
Quinacridone Red
21) Quinacridone Red
PBN361  [361***TR, PV19, snp]
Quinacridone Scarlet
22) Quinacridone Scarlet
PBN385  [385***TR, PR209, snp]
23) Carmine
PBN319  [319***TR, PV19, snp]
Neon Rose
24) Neon Rose
PBN368  [368*OP, PR122/Pink Fluor.Pig., ssp]
Ruby Red
25) Ruby Red
PBN323  [323***TR, PR170, snp]
Madder Lake Red Light
26) Madder Lake Red Light
PBN313  [313***TR, PR187, ssp]
27) Rose
PBN322  [322***TR, PR81]
Quinacridone Rose
28) Quinacridone Rose
PBN324  [324**TR, PR122, snp]
Quinacridone Violet-Rose
29) Quinacridone Violet-Rose
PBN622  [622***TR, PV19, snp]
30) Claret
PBN325  [325***TR, PR179/PV55, snp]
Quinacridone Lilac
31) Quinacridone Lilac
PBN609  [609***TR, PV19, snp]
Violet Rose
32) Violet Rose
PBN608  [608***TR, PV2]
Quinacridone Violet
33) Quinacridone Violet
PBN621  [621***TR, PV55, snp]
Ultramarine Violet
34) Ultramarine Violet
PBN613  [613***ST, PV15, nsp, G]
35) Violet
PBN607  [607*TR, PV3, snp]
Dioxazine Violet
36) Dioxazine Violet
PBN628  [628***TR, PV23, snp]
Blue Lake
37) Blue Lake
PBN510  [510***TR, PB1, ssp]
Ultramarine Deep
38) Ultramarine Deep
PBN521  [521***TR, PB29, nsp, G]
Ultramarine Blue
39) Ultramarine Blue
PBN511  [511***ST, PB29, ssp, G]
Cobalt Blue Spectral
40) Cobalt Blue Spectral
PBN502  [502***ST, PB74]
41) Blue
PBN515  [515***TR, PB15:6, snp]
Cobalt Blue
42) Cobalt Blue
PBN508  [508***ST, PB28, nsp, G]
Ceruleum Blue
43) Ceruleum Blue
PBN503  [503***ST, PB35, nsp, G]
Indanthrene blue
44) Indanthrene blue
PBN524  [524***TR, PB60, ssp]
45) Indigo
PBN516  [516**ST, PB15:6/PBk7/PV23, snp]
Prussian Blue
46) Prussian Blue
PBN518  [518***TR, PB27, snp]
Bright Blue
47) Bright Blue
PBN509  [509***TR, PB15:3, snp]
48) Azure
PBN513  [513***TR, PB15, snp]
Azure Blue
49) Azure Blue
PBN519  [519***TR, PB15:3/PG7, snp]
Cobalt Azure Blue
50) Cobalt Azure Blue
PBN532  [532***ST, PB36, nsp, G]
Turquoise Blue
51) Turquoise Blue
PBN507  [507***TR, PB15:3/PG7, snp]
Chromium-Cobalt Turkish
52) Chromium-Cobalt Turkish
PBN533  [533***ST, PB36, ssp, G]
Cobalt Turquoise
53) Cobalt Turquoise
PBN531  [531***ST, PB28, nsp, G]
Emerald Green
54) Emerald Green
PBN713  [713***TR, PG7, snp]
Green Original
55) Green Original
PBN719  [719***TR, PY35/PG7, ssp]
Green Light
56) Green Light
PBN717  [717***TR, PG36, ssp]
Yellow Green
57) Yellow Green
PBN718  [718***TR, PY3/PG7, snp]
Oxide of Chromium
58) Oxide of Chromium
PBN704  [704***OP, PG17, nsp, G]
59) Green
PBN725  [725**TR, PG8, snp]
Sap Green
60) Sap Green
PBN716  [716***TR, PY150/PG36/PBk7, snp]
May Green
61) May Green
PBN745  [745***TR, PY3/PG36, ssp]
Olive Green
62) Olive Green
PBN727  [727**ST, PY3/PO62/PB15:3, ssp]
Green Earth
63) Green Earth
PBN730  [730***ST, PBr7/PG17, nsp, G]
Irgazin Yellow
64) Irgazin Yellow
PBN257  [257***TR, PY129, nsp]
Naples Yellow
65) Naples Yellow
PBN209  [209***OP, PY42/PY35/PO20/PW4, nsp, G]
Indian Yellow
66) Indian Yellow
PBN228  [228***TR, PY150, ssp]
Indian Golden
67) Indian Golden
PBN244  [244***TR, PY150/PR101, ssp]
Ochre Light
68) Ochre Light
PBN206  [206***ST, PY43, nsp]
Yellow Iron Oxide
69) Yellow Iron Oxide
PBN270  [270***ST, PY42, nsp]
Yellow Ochre
70) Yellow Ochre
PBN218  [218**ST, PY43/PY154, nsp]
Raw Sienna
71) Raw Sienna
PBN405  [405***ST, PY43, nsp, G]
Red Ochre
72) Red Ochre
PBN309  [309***ST, PR102, nsp]
Burnt Sienna
73) Burnt Sienna
PBN406  [406***ST, PBr7, nsp, G]
English Red
74) English Red
PBN321  [321***OP, PR101, ssp]
Shakhnazarskaya Red
75) Shakhnazarskaya Red
PBN311  [311***ST, PR102]
Venetian Red
76) Venetian Red
PBN357  [357***TR, PR102/PR187, ssp]
Venetian Purple
77) Venetian Purple
PBN365  [365***ST, PR179, ssp]
Perylene Violet
78) Perylene Violet
PBN627  [627***TR, PV29, ssp]
Caput Mortuum
79) Caput Mortuum
PBN604  [604***OP, PR101, ssp]
80) Umber
PBN418  [418***ST, PY43/PBr7/PBk7, nsp, G]
Burnt Umber
81) Burnt Umber
PBN408  [408***ST, PBr7, nsp, G]
Mars Brown
82) Mars Brown
PBN412  [412***TR, PBr6tr, nsp, G]
Vandyke Brown
83) Vandyke Brown
PBN401  [401***TR, PR102/PBk8, nsp]
84) Sepia
PBN413  [413***ST, PR102/PBr7, ssp]
85) Payne's Grey
PBN812  [812**ST, PBk7/PB15/PV23, ssp]
Mars Black
86) Mars Black
PBN800  [800***ST, PBk11, ssp, G]
Voronezhskaya Black
87) Voronezhskaya Black
PBN806  [806***ST, PBk8, nsp, G]
Neutral Black
88) Neutral Black
PBN805  [805***ST, PR187/PB15:1/PBk7, snp]
Ivory Black hue
89) Ivory Black hue
PBN811  [811***ST, PR102/PBk7, ssp, G]
Lamp Black
90) Lamp Black
PBN801  [801***ST, PBk7, snp]
Silver Light
91) Silver Light
PBN961  [961***TR, nsp]
Silver Deep
92) Silver Deep
PBN962  [962***TR, nsp]
Antique Gold metallic
93) Antique Gold metallic
PBN981  [981***TR, nso]
Aztec Gold metallic
94) Aztec Gold metallic
PBN968  [968***TR, nsp]
Inca Gold
95) Inca Gold
PBN969  [969***TR, nsp]
Bronze metallic
96) Bronze metallic
PBN963  [963***TR, nsp]
97) Copper
PBN964  [964***TR, nsp]
Yellow Tuff
98) Yellow Tuff
PBN268  [268***TR, PBk8/PY43, nsp, G, NE]
Red-Brown Hematite
99) Red-Brown Hematite
PBN386  [386***TR, PBk7, snp, G, NE]
Augite Porphyrite
100) Augite Porphyrite
PBN633  [633***TR, PR102, nsp, G, NE]
Grey-Violet Granite
101) Grey-Violet Granite
PBN634  [634***TR, PBr7, nsp, G, NE]
Naples Flesh
102) Naples Flesh
PBN222  [222***OP, PO62/PW6, nsp, PST]
103) Peach
PBN256  [256***OP, PY3/PO64/PW6, ssp, PST]
104) Coral
PBN355  [355***OP, PR242/PW6, ssp, PST]
Rose Quartz
105) Rose Quartz
PBN367  [367***OP, PR170/PW6, ssp, PST]
Rose Peony
106) Rose Peony
PBN366  [366***OP, PR122/PW6, ssp, PST]
107) Lilac
PBN626  [626***OP, PV19/PW6, ssp, PST]
108) Magnolia
PBN369  [369***OP, PV19/PW6, nsp, PST]
109) Lavender
PBN625  [625***OP, PV15/PB29/PW6, ssp, PST]
Royal Blue
110) Royal Blue
PBN528  [528***OP, PB29/PW6, ssp, PST]
Celestial Blue
111) Celestial Blue
PBN512  [512***OP, PW6/PB15:3, nsp, PST]
112) Mint
PBN735  [735***OP, PG7//PW6, ssp, PST]
Warm Green
113) Warm Green
PBN747  [747***OP, PY151/PG7/PW6, nsp, PST]
Petersburg Ochre
114) Petersburg Ochre
PBN258  [258***OP, PY42/PBk8/PW6, nsp, PST]
115) Dunes
PBN255  [255***OP, PY42/PBr6/PBk7/PW6, ssp, PST]
116) Mocha
PBN433  [433***OP, PR102/PV55/PW6, nsp, PST]
117) Maroon
PBN432  [432***OP, PBr7/PV19/PW6, nsp, PST]
118) Pearl-Grey
PBN819  [819***OP, PR102/PBk7/PW6, nsp, PST]
119) Marengo
PBN818  [818***OP, PB15/PBk7/PW6, nsp, PST]
Orange Mist
120) Orange Mist
PBN388  [388**TR, PBk8/PO64, ssp, G]
Scarlet Mist
121) Scarlet Mist
PBN389  [389***TR, PG19/PR188, ssp, G]
Ruby Mist
122) Ruby Mist
PBN387  [387***TR, PG19/PR170, snp, G]
Rose Mist
123) Rose Mist
PBN382  [382***ST, PB28/PR122, ssp, G]
Hematite Mist
124) Hematite Mist
PBN632  [632***ST, PB29/PR101, nsp, G]
Lilac Mist
125) Lilac Mist
PBN631  [631***ST, PB29/PR122, nsp, G]
Violet Mist
126) Violet Mist
PBN630  [630***ST, PB29/PG17/PR187, nsp, G]
Violet Shadows
127) Violet Shadows
PBN629  [629***ST, PBk11/PV23, snp, G]
Blue Mist
128) Blue Mist
PBN558  [558***ST, PB29/PG7, snp, G]
Dark Blue Shadows
129) Dark Blue Shadows
PBN555  [555***ST, PBk11/PB15:6, snp, G]
Blue Shadows
130) Blue Shadows
PBN556  [556***ST, PB29/PBk11, nsp, G]
Cobalt Mist
131) Cobalt Mist
PBN560  [560***ST, PB28/PBk7, nsp, G]
Sky-Blue Shadows
132) Sky-Blue Shadows
PBN557  [557***ST, PB28/PBk11, nsp, G]
Aquqmarine Mist
133) Aquqmarine Mist
PBN559  [559***ST, PB29/PG7, snp, G]
Chromium-Cobalt Mist
134) Chromium-Cobalt Mist
PBN563  [563***PB28/PG17, nsp, G]
Green Mist
135) Green Mist
PBN762  [762***ST, PB28/PY3, ssp, G]
Green Shadows
136) Green Shadows
PBN760  [760***ST, PBk11/PG7, snp, G]
Taiga Mist
137) Taiga Mist
PBN761  [761***ST, PBr7/PB15:3, ssp, G]
Yellowish-Green Mist
138) Yellowish-Green Mist
PBN763  [763***ST, PB35/PY3, ssp, G]
Turquoise-Rose Mist
139) Turquoise-Rose Mist
PBN561  [561***ST, PB28/PR264, ssp, G]
Grey-Rose Mist
140) Grey-Rose Mist
PBN832  [832***ST, PB29/PG17/PR187, ssp, G]
Grey-Blue Mist
141) Grey-Blue Mist
PBN562  [562***ST, PB29/PBk7,ssp, G]

Watercolor White Nights

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The Site first published at July 11, 2004.
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