Plots of Your Biorhythms

Personal Biorhythms show you the current "mathematical" state of your bio-systems:
- Physical state - red curve;
- Emotional state - blue curve;
- Intellectual state - green curve.
The graphics start from your birthday.
The curves show you only trends.
They cannot show your real state with accidental factors.

These data are private for you.
We do not save your data and results on our site.

Enter Full Date of your Birthday.

Yellow fields are necessary to calculate your Bio-Rhythms.

Your Name:
Birth Day: (1, 2, .., 31) without leading 0: do not enter 01, 02,..., 09
Month: (1, 2, .., 12): DO NOT enter leading zero: 01, 02,..., 09
Year: (1982 etc.: 4 digits)
Number of days
to show on Graphics
(View Time Range).
(8..200) Half of this time range will use for the past days,
and half for future days.

We use on these pages algorithms from the book:
Vladimir Vodolasky: "Effective work with PHP4". Piter-2002, 416 pgs. (Russian)
The material was compiled and updated by Vitaly Eremenko.
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The Site first published at July 11, 2004.
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