Colors Review
Hobby-Color MAP
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About Us and Contact Data
Our Address:
Olga Krechetov, 3/4 Frug Shimon, Netanya 4223425 Israel
Registered Business ID: 310735659
Phone +(972) 524-325-856 (Vitaly, Russian/Hebrew, preferable time 8 - 20 GMT).
English please by Web-Mail or Email.
Please write us by web-mail page (top menu 'Write us')
or click here:
Write us
Manager, Designer and web-master on this Web-site.
PhD in Physics and Applied Mathematics.
Base Work Experience:
Programming under Windows: MS Visual C++/OOD, MFC
Web-Programming: DHTML, JavaScript, PHP/OOD (Object Oriented Design).
Android Studio (by Google): Appliaction for Smartphones for Jewellery control
Hobby: Programming, Painting, Musics, Books/SF.
I have developed the Sites:
www.Alvitan.com - Dietary Supplements, Cosmetics, Colors for child and women hobby,
Chemical Compound of usual Food and RDA, Popular Herbs.
www.Violtan.com - Paints for Hobby, Art & Craft.
www.ColorHobby.com - Colors and Brushes from Russia for painters and amateurs
www.OGIdiaPix.com - jewellery, rough diamonds, brilliants and other gemstones
with 3D animation for customers of company
Desktop FTP-uploader for gemstones data from user's PC inder Windows/IIS to this site (MS Visual C++ and PHP).
Tatjana ZOLENKO.
PhD in Physics and Chemistry.
Project Consultant in Business.
Hobby: Phyto-therapy, Books SF/History, Tourism.
Project Assistant and Book-keeper.
Education - Production Engineer in Petroleum and Chemist Field.
Hobby: flower-growing.
We losed all immovables and property in Grozny city and at Februar 1993
our family emigrated to Israel.
Our friend Gennady Shnaiderman has helped us.
We lived in Dimona, Ariel.
Now we live in Netanya.
I did not find a job in my engineering profession
and I have to work in unskilled labour.
My tiny homestead land helps me to take a relax.
Diana Eremenko.
Saratov, RUSSIA.
Our SPONSOR: "SARPROFI" INN 6452139489 (Saratov)
Sales manager & Consultant for Russian art-wares.
Tel. (mob.+SMS): +(7)-927-622-7820 (Russian, GMT+4h)
Art-colors, manufactured in Russia:
silk, batik, hobby-paints and contours, professional artistic paints and brushes.
Education - Economist.
Hobby - clothes design, decorative painting.
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The Site first published at July 11, 2004.
Copyright ©2004 - 2025 www.Violtan.com