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2024-05-03; 02:42:06

Brook Glass Etcher

[Other Companies]
Moshe Brook Tsorev Zhuhit (Israel). Chemical etching on glass. Makes glass mat and opaque, 50 ml. (1.7 fl.oz.). Dab on glass and wait 20 min. The rest paste gather to jar.
Product CZM01 For real not removing frosted opaque surface on glass.
50 ml (1.7 fl.oz.)

Use stencils from cardboard, plastic or plexiglass.
The Brook etching paste does not have odour and evaporations.
You can work indoor.
Safety for hands (during short time).

After 20 minutes convoke paste for a next usage.
1 jar sufficient for 500-1000 of glass.
Etched glass you can use indoor and outdoor, for a bathroom etc.

50 ml / 80 g  Other Companies
$6.67 x  

Other Companies