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2024-12-07; 08:23:42

Artist Studio 72-piece drawing set CretacoloR

[Other Companies]
7 Artists Pencils, 12 Graphite Pencils, 24 Coloring Pencils, 24 Watercolor Pencils, 4 special pencils, paper stump. Metal box. Wrapping size 325x189x22mm. Cretacolor, Austria
Product CCP72 72-piece drawing set.
This magnificent assortment caters for all your needs in drawing and sketching.
The pencils are of studio quality and made with great care in Austria.
The set consists of:
- 12 Artist Studio graphite oencils
- 7 Artist Studio sketcing pencils (sepia, sanguine, white chalk, charcoal in 3 grades: soft, medium and hard
as well as extra soft oil-based);
- 1 paper stump;
- 24 Artist Studio watercolour pencils;
- 24 Artist Studio permanent colour pencils;
- 2 Cretacolopr colouring pencils in gold and silver colours;
- 2 pencils with 4-colour leads.

Creatcolor, Austria

766 g / 810 g  Other Companies
$83.33 x  

Other Companies